Auto Service Tags are About to Become Eco-Friendly

By Sam Komeha

Sam Komeha has an idea, and it’s one that he believes that a lot of people will willingly embrace once they hear the full story. Before we get to the revolutionary new invention that Mr. Komeha is in the process of getting out there, you should probably learn a little more about him. Sam is…

The Arrival of a New Generation Auto Service Tags

By Sam Komeha

We all leave a carbon footprint of some kind on our little blue and green planet, and while many people do all they can to make their steps a little smaller, there are some things that we have little control over. Part of the problem is that the average person may not even be aware…

Loyalty is a commodity that can be lost

By Christian Bartsch

Every business will have experienced issues with clients and staff members. Some clients love products and are great brand advocates. They tell everybody how much they love your products and services. Even their activities are promoting the brand without them actively thinking about it. They are just wildly in love with the brand. Unfortunately, every…

Teamwork needs to be built on a solid framework

By Christian Bartsch

When you build a business or are working on a complex project you do need a team. No person can be proficient in all aspects of a business. No person can do 50 tasks at the same time. It just does not lead to fast and powerful success. Markets turn fast and are relentless when…

Why you need to design your exit strategy

By Christian Bartsch

An entrepreneur usually starts his business with the desire to be independent. People who worked in the corporate environment tend to leave at a certain point in their career. They take with them the corporate style of business.

After a time they notice that this knowledge is not sufficient to scale their business to the next level. They become stuck and build up a frustration that can even lead to a negative mindset. That is where coaching helps entrepreneurs get unstuck and remove the negative energy that makes them eventually sick.

Travelling with quality increases the speed of delivery

By Christian Bartsch

When you travel abroad to negotiate an important deal or have to speak in front of a large group, you cannot arrive on scene as if you have been running a marathon. The quality of your long haul transport makes a considerable impact of the power of your ability to present and sell. Flying from…