A New Day For Branding

By Julius Geis

How do you want potential customers to perceive your products and services?

That in a nutshell is brand identity. Building a brand identity is crucial to a company’s cause and results. It may be a stiffer challenge at the outset for small businesses, which don’t have corporate communications departments as large companies do. But when you have a compelling story to tell – your company’s story, its reason for being – then that seed you plant can sprout into brand identity, and with that brand awareness and brand loyalty will bloom.

Counos Platform

By Counos Team

The financial demands and requirements of people all over the world change and evolve as time goes by. As such, in the recent technological era, with the advent of Blockchain and more specifically its applications, i.e. digital currencies, smart contracts, etc., the financial needs of the world have also become more complex. The need for a one-stop, comprehensive platform offering a wide range of financial services is one that must have been answered. Counos Platform came to fore to answer this very call.

The Rise of Online Learning During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Panos Siozos

Clearly, the economy took the biggest hit from COVID-19’s turmoil, which has turned the world upside down. This had a direct consequence on business and education. Schools, educational institutions, training organizations, and businesses from various industries had to shut down for some time and were forced to come up with a smarter way to operate.

A rising opportunity, however, has emerged from this crisis. COVID-19 has brought many pre-existing trends to the surface, enabling online learning to show its full potential.

What if Authentic Intelligence was the secret to success?

By Ulrike Seminati

In a study of 1996, Daniel Goleman published his findings on the strong correlation between Emotional Intelligence and a company’s success. He compared highly successful leaders with average ones and found that nearly 90% of the difference in their profiles was related to emotional intelligence factors rather than cognitive abilities.

I would like to go one step further. Successful leadership is not only based on the well-known ingredients of Emotional Intelligence. Your success and wellbeing as a leader are significantly enhanced by the ability to apply this knowledge to your unique self. This is what I call Authentic Intelligence™.

How to Innovate Faster?

By Michael Knulst

Never in the history was the future so unpredictable. And in order to be, to become or stay relevant and successful as an entrepreneur, you have to be open minded, flexible, curious and courageous. Innovation is no longer a matter of choice, but it is a prerequisite; it’s a must

The Road called Transitions

By Melody Garcia

“ I’m going to turn you into an entrepreneur yet one of these days ” said one of the most influential and globally known Entrepreneur I’ve come into space with. I remember sitting across from this man, shaking my head and saying “No, I’m ok right now”. He just laughed and his exact words were “ You don’t know what is out here Melody and the impact you can make.