The Business Magazine

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The Business Booster Today Magazine is the source for entrepreneurs & business leaders around the world and those who are interested in leading topics of management, innovation and leadership. Our Business Magazine provides you access to insights from experts around the globe.

We are more than just a Business Magazine

Business Booster Today is an online global magazine for entrepreneurs around the world and those who are interested in the topics of entrepreneurship.

Our Mission and Vision

We want to reach 20 Million people to educate them to grow and explode their business.

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Become a contributing author with quality content on business, innovation and trends. They will be published in our printed business magazine or online magazine!

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Innovation and Business go hand in hand

Entrepreneurs and founders change the world with their visions of a better future

Our Recent Business Magazine Covers

Preview of next Printed Edition of our Business Magazine

CAD image of product design

The Best of CPQ and CAD: Introducing DPQ “Design Price Quote”

In the manufacturing and design world, computer-aided design (CAD) is a commonly used tool. It is just what its name implies: the use of computers to assist with any aspect and stage of a design. The introduction of CAD allowed for greater quality, productivity, repeatability, and communication for those using it.

But the downside is that CAD can be a very complicated and time-consuming process. CAD software is very powerful, but it can take hundreds of hours of practice to become proficient in its use.

That is why businesses who use CAD generally have trained professionals handling the software, someone who has put in those many hours to understand the process. Not only that, but CAD also usually comes as desktop-only software which limits shareability and collaboration.

Be ahead of the competition by benefiting from the upcoming article.

A New Day For Branding

How do you want potential customers to perceive your products and services?

That in a nutshell is brand identity. Building a brand identity is crucial to a company’s cause and results. It may be a stiffer challenge at the outset for small businesses, which don’t have corporate communications departments as large companies do. But when you have a compelling story to tell – your company’s story, its reason for being – then that seed you plant can sprout into brand identity, and with that brand awareness and brand loyalty will bloom.

Read in the upcoming printed edition of our business magazine as Julius Geis (Based in Hawaii) explains in detail this branding strategy that people like elon Musk truely embrace.

Brand Identity

How to adapt office culture?

As companies are driving the new work style of working from home they have to manage by far new leadership challenges. Their employees can no longer meet and greet each other at the break area. There are no office parties or opportunities for casual conversations during lunch hours.

Find out more in the upcoming magazine edition how this is changing and what strategies leaders have identified as a best approach to this situation.

How to thrive while surviving?

The marketing environment has been put upside down. Sales people are struggling to meet their sales targets as they can not get hold of leads.
The responsiveness to marketing messages has shrunk as information overflow and anxiety has taken over the attention of key decision makers.
Let yourself be inspired by these strategies as shown in the upcoming articles

How to invest in custom software?

Everything has changed. The economy is frozen, sleepy or even up side down. Now it is necessary to adapt one’s infrastructure. People are working from home and you might need to evaluate how you can replace inflexible software with a solution that really matches your business environment.

It is not so easy to identify what really matters and who can help you get the project to become a successful investment.

Find out more in the upcoming magazine edition how leaders have identified custom software as a competitive advantage for their businesses.

Business, Innovation & Unicorns

Building unicorns in covid times

There was never a better time to start a new business as many successful unicorns were built during previous times when crisis shook the global economy.

Get to understand how you can benefit from taking action now. So enjoy reading this new article on building unicorns.

Business Workshops go online

Workshops are very different to regular webinars. Even online training is usually preformed in a different way.

Get to understand how business workshops need to be structured and delivered in a time where the pandemic makes its by far more challanging to deliver knowledge in a consistent way.

This Business Magazine provides guidance

So many topics are going to be part of the next extition of our Business Magazine.

Authors come from startups, corporate, consulting, M&A, audit and VC. They are based in far places like Hawaii or in Europe or North America.