Make your projects in Finland and Sweden a success

By Christian Bartsch

Doing business abroad can be challenging when you need to find accommodation for your engineers and workers. If you are not familiar with the laws, customs and real estate market, you can lose a lot of money when booking accommodations. Companies in the engineering and construction field often look for attractive tenders in Finland and Sweden. When a business in Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and other East European country has secured weeks or months of project assignments then the logistics manager has to quickly find flights and affordable accommodation.

Don’t Make The Burgers!

By Mona Tenjo

One of the best known authors of financial literacy, Robert Kiyosaki, described in his book “Cashflow Quadrant”, what the main difference between a self-employed person and a business owner is: The self-employed person trades his time against money while the business owner creates systems and processes to continuously generate income detached from their personal time.

The ‘Humanization’ Of Business

By Stefanos Sifandos

Times are evolving and changing. The days of shareholder prioritization at the cost of other important values such as “ecological stability” has shifted dramatically over the years. The explosion of globalisation, advanced technologies, and expansion in sociocultural, socioeconomic and geopolitical borders has found us in a place where as a greater collective we are demanding for organisations to carry deeper levels of transparency in the business activities, be more inclusive in their actions and carry a longer-term vision for their business practices.

Plan or Fail to Plan – Business Strategy to Success

By Mona Tenjo

Manage Your Tasks Like A President US-President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-star general in World War II and elected 34th president of the United States of America. Being very familiar with commanding structures, orders and discipline, he also was known for creating the so-called “Eisenhower matrix”, a task management system that helps organizing tasks…

Plan or Fail to Plan – Business Strategy to Success

By Mona Tenjo

Everything requires strategies to succeed. Ever thought about this? Each game has rules and usually, there are several different strategies to victory, often depending on the game you play. What does this have to do with business? Business is a kind of game as well. You can think of it as a multi-player game with…