Your success in sales is determined by your ability to close the deals

By Philip Semmelroth

If you want to make money, you must launch fast. The founder of Linkedin – Reid Hoffmann – once said: “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” However, the reason why I wanted to point this out to you is because when it comes to sales people never keep an eye on how much time did they invest to get a deal. That’s why I find a lot of potential to improve results for companies because it starts with making sure you talk to the right customer.

Maintaining Composure in any Sales Situation

By Dori Sella

For many people, having to sell themselves is an awkward or at minimum an uncomfortable situation. It is even more apparent when the service you are selling is yourself. This also includes when you are on a job interview or asking for a raise. When you have a business, no matter what the business is…

It’s not about YOU -It’s about THEM

By Milos & Danijela Nakovski

Have you ever wondered what make a sales person Great? Have you ever considered when you buy or sell your house that not everyone could be the right realtor for you? Sometimes, you meet those realtors that simply are out to make a deal, but are not really interested in your concerns and in you…