How to Determine if You Are Ready to Become a Landlord

By Justine

The rental market is a valuable market to tap into, especially as it seems to be showing no signs of slowing down. Based on data from World Atlas, more and more people in the world are renting. In countries like Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Germany, around half of the whole population are renters.

That said, being a landlord may be lucrative but it also comes with a slew of responsibilities and long-term considerations. If you are investing in properties for the sole purpose of leasing them out, you would become both a property manager and a landlord. Before you take the plunge, there are a few questions you should ask yourself.


By John Stokoe

THE BORING BIT This section we have aptly named ‘The Boring Bit’ because, well, that’s unfortunately what It is. However, this section also includes some of the most important information and is an absolute must if you are going to build a legitimate, successful sourcing business. It’s not sexy but it’s essential, so grab a…