Part 10: Application Programming Interface (API) – Interaction to Create Connectivity

By Yasemin Yazan

In the interest of a better understanding, I don’t want to use any textbook definitions of the term Application Programming Interface, abbreviated API. And even if there are different kind of APIs, they all have one thing in common: An API is an interface that enables the interaction between applications, data and devices to create connectivity. In this sense an API is a messenger that takes a request and tells a system what you want to do and then returns the response back to you. Let’s use an example to illustrate what is meant and how it works:

The Journey with the Spaceship towards the Future!

By Yasemin Yazan

I recently had the opportunity to be featured to give you initial insights into why I am doing what I do: showing CEOs, Entrepreneurs and companies how to dominate their market in times of digitization and digitalization. Do you want to pioneer as an innovation leader in your industry and thus protect your company from…